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Week 1 - 08/22/2023:

Began 10:05AM

During our initial meeting with Professor Ejaz, we looked into the roadmap for the coming semester, focusing on the details of our proposal. We agreed upon a scheduled time meeting every Wednesday at 10 AM. The budget for the project was discussed and agreed to stay within $500. We also discussed the level of complexity that the project should be. And finally, we were instructed on how the website should look and what components it must contain. 



  • Start to Design a website.

  • Add content to the Weekly Meetings page.

  • Research and come up with at least 3 ideas.

Adjourn 11:09AM


Week 2 - 08/30/2023:

Began 11:04AM

During our second meeting with Professor Ejaz, we looked over the general design and components of the website which were found to be good overall. Proposal Documents sublink will need to be created to house both the Design Proposal Report and Design Proposal Presentation. We discussed three ideas and went over the details of each to determine their potential to be chosen.

Green House Capsule: This idea was the most promising, but the extended duration required for plants to mature poses a challenge in assessing the capsule's functionality, further investigation is needed.

Solar Tracker: While this idea has been previously explored, our team recognized an opportunity for enhancement. We discussed the integration of a more precise sensor to elevate the accuracy of solar tracking mechanisms.

Autonomous Beach Kart: The concept holds promise in augmenting beach experiences; however, we confronted a fundamental obstacle—mobility on the sand. Sand's unique terrain poses a challenge for vehicle movement, and upon thorough deliberation, we collectively determined that the development of a beach-friendly autonomous vehicle would be exceedingly demanding.



  • Explore 2 new ideas.

  • Further research on the previous three ideas.

  • Comparison tables for already-on-the-market products.

 Adjourn 12:31PM


Week 3 - 09/06/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During our third meeting, we carefully examined various sections of the website, paying close attention to the parts where the language and formatting needed some improvement. We also discussed the ideas we had suggested earlier and reviewed the findings from our research over the past week. We also discussed the details of a new idea. This idea involves liquid cooling multiple computers and driving this heat-conducting liquid through a series of copper pipes that will then be submerged underwater in order to absorb the heat from the computers.

.After some thoughtful discussion, we agreed to explore it further in detail to see if it could be a potential candidate for the proposal.



  • Make website syntax corrections to the weekly meetings tab.

  • Begin to add content to the Progress Log.

  • Create a tab to include a list of references to move website links to this tab.

  • Create a System diagram drawing for idea 4.

  • Add content to the Engineering Requirements tab.

  • Create a proposed budget for idea 4.

 Adjourn 11:19AM


Week 4 - 09/13/2023:

Began 10:01AM

In our fourth meeting, we thoroughly examined the flowchart and block diagram. We explored various approaches to redesigning the diagram for improved clarity. Following that, we delved into the Engineering Requirements, considering potential rewording and fine-tuning to articulate the product's intended functionality precisely. We concluded the meeting by addressing the project's feasibility and were tasked with conducting tests to make a final determination regarding our commitment to this project concept.



  • Add references in IEEE format to the links tab

  • Correct the existing block diagram to show the correct flow of power and data.

  • Create a new diagram grouping the components in Modules

  • Reword the Engineering requirements to more accurately depict the intended project.

  • Conduct a pilot test to determine the effect of conventional cooling vs. water cooling on a PC.

 Adjourn 12:01PM


Week 5 - 09/20/2023:

Began 03:31PM

In Week 5, we conducted a thorough evaluation of every engineering requirement, meticulously noting areas where the wording could be refined. The Block diagram was also carefully reviewed, resulting in collective decisions to tweak a few labels for enhanced clarity. Furthermore, we delved into the Engineering Specifications, seeking improved phrasing for various sections. Our budget assessment revealed the need for additional research on the costs of specific items. Moreover, we received guidance to independently conduct tests on the impact of water on cooling PCs. Lastly, we meticulously reviewed the LNKS website, with specific instructions to adhere to the IEEE format.



  • Correct IEE formatting under the links tab.

  • Make a few small corrections to the Block diagram

  • Get a pricing for the welding work from a company

  • Run our own Pilot tests to determine the feasibility of the idea.

  • Create a 3D render of the project.

 Adjourn 04:21PM


Week 6 - 09/27/2023:

Began 10:01AM

In our meeting this week, we covered some important points. We started by working on the main page and making sure the introduction to our project is clear and engaging. Then, we talked about the 3D picture of our design and what details it should show.

Next, we looked at the engineering requirements. We made some changes to make sure they're precise and complete. After that, we checked the engineering specifications to make sure everything important is included.

We also discussed the power budget, which means figuring out how much energy our project will need and what limits we have. Finally, we talked about doing a survey to find out how well the user interface works. This will help us make sure our final product meets the needs of the people using it.



  • Work on improving the 3D rendering of the design

  • work on making the introduction more understandable to the general public. 

  • Re-work the system diagram and move relays to Electromechanical module.

  • Start looking into the Power budget and conduct a survey. 

 Adjourn 10:59AM


Week 7 - 10/04/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During this weekly meeting, we went over the previous deliverables to make sure they were properly written. That includes the engineering specifications and requirements, the block diagram and modular block diagram, the power budget table, and the monetary budget table. The things that needed correction were the introduction on the main page, we noticed it wasn’t very clearly explained and discussed how it should be reworded, and that dimensions needed to be added to the 3D rendering. We also discussed how the timeline table and chart should be created. Then we discussed the initial parts of the report (Chapters 1 and 2).



  • Rewrite the introduction to make it more understandable.

  • Put dimensions on 3D rendering.

  • Create Proposed Detailed Timeline.

  • Create Proposed Timeline Chart.

  • Write Chapters 1 and 2 of Report.

  • Add time and effort for the Python project.

 Adjourn 10:34AM


Week 8 - 10/11/2023:

Began 10:00AM

In this weeks meeting , we began by going over the main page , we looked at the introduction and concluded that the text should be divided in different paragraphs. Since all other components of the website where completed , we moved on to going over the proposal report. We were instructed to include a few more sections to the first chapter one of them being , a comparison to other projects. We finally concluded the meeting by going over the deliverables shown below. 



  • Rewrite the introduction and separate into different paragraphs. 

  • Complete chapter one of the proposal report. 

  • Work on the Electromechanical module Pilot testing

  • Work on porting application to run from the  Raspberry Pi

 Adjourn 10:41AM


Week 9 - 10/18/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During this week's meeting, we started by reviewing the main page. We were advised to rephrase certain introductions to enhance clarity. Additionally, we examined the technical drawings and were guided to incorporate labels for the various components. Following that, we proceeded to review the Proposal report, making minor grammar corrections in each section.



  • Make corrections to the introduction.

  • Add labels to the different components used in the technical drawing

  • Finish the first chapter of the proposal report. 

  • Continue to work on the User Interface and Logic that controls the pumps. 

  • Get together to test and troubleshoot the UI working with the pump logic. 

 Adjourn 10:52AM


Week 10 - 10/25/2023:


The scheduled meeting for this week was called off; however, communication occurred via email, addressing any questions that came up.



  • Continue to work on the report


Week 11 - 11/01/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During this meeting, our focus was on thoroughly examining Chapter 2 of the report. We went through each section  and recorded notes to address any necessary corrections before our next meeting.

 Adjourn 11:20AM


  • Finish chapter 3 and 4 of the report.

  • Add a flow chart describing the pump logic.


Week 12 - 11/08/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During this meeting, we focused on revising the report making small corrections, and finishing entering the details for all four chapters.


 Adjourn 11:10AM


  • Finish the proposal report.


Week 13 - 11/15/2023:

Began 10:00AM

During this meeting, we finished revising the report and started creating the presentation for the project. The presentation outline was revised and changes were made accordingly.


 Adjourn 10:55AM


  • Submit the proposal report.

  • Finish the proposal presentation

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